Heroes (1977 film)

Heroes is a 1977 film drama directed by Jeremy Kagan and starring Henry Winkler, Sally Field and Harrison Ford in his first postStar Wars role, but filmed before that movies release.

Jack Dunne Winkler, a Vietnam vet who turns out to have a case of lacunar amnesia, escapes a mental ward in New York City intending to start a business as a worm farmer in Eureka, California.At the bus station, he accidentally meets Carol Bell Field, a woman unsure of her engagement and imminent marriage to a man she has confused feelings towards. Initially annoyed by Jack, Carol gradually warms to him as they set off on a trip through middle America towards the Northern California she traveling to think things over about her impending nuptials, he to locate his three old war buddies and involve them in his scheme to raise worms. ........

Source: Wikipedia